The HuGS Platform: A Toolkit for Interactive Optimization
- "The HuGS Platform: A Toolkit for Interactive Optimization", Tech. Rep. TR2002-08, Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories, Cambridge, MA, June 2002.BibTeX TR2002-08 PDF
- @techreport{MERL_TR2002-08,
- author = {Gunnar W. Klau, Neal Lesh, Joe Marks, Michael Mitzenmacher, Guy T. Schafer},
- title = {The HuGS Platform: A Toolkit for Interactive Optimization},
- institution = {MERL - Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories},
- address = {Cambridge, MA 02139},
- number = {TR2002-08},
- month = jun,
- year = 2002,
- url = {}
- }
- "The HuGS Platform: A Toolkit for Interactive Optimization", Tech. Rep. TR2002-08, Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories, Cambridge, MA, June 2002.
In this paper we develop a generalized approach to visualizing andrapid development of human-guided search systems.