
UWB Channel Measurements in an Industrial Environment

    •  Karedal, J., Wyne, S., Almers, P., Tufvesson, F., Molisch, A.F., "UWB Channel Measurements in an Industrial Environment", IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM), November 2004, vol. 6, pp. 3511-3516.
      BibTeX TR2004-142 PDF
      • @inproceedings{Karedal2004nov,
      • author = {Karedal, J. and Wyne, S. and Almers, P. and Tufvesson, F. and Molisch, A.F.},
      • title = {{UWB Channel Measurements in an Industrial Environment}},
      • booktitle = {IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM)},
      • year = 2004,
      • volume = 6,
      • pages = {3511--3516},
      • month = nov,
      • url = {}
      • }
  • Research Area:



In this paper, we present the (to our knowledge) first measurement results for ultra-wideband channels in industrial environments, i.e., a factory hall. The measurements are done with virtual arrays, which allows analysis of the small-scale fading statistics, as well as a directional analysis. We find that there is dense multipath scattering due to the abundance of metaallic scatters in the considered environment. Multiple scatterer clusters can be identified both in the delay and the angular domain. Typical rms delay spreads lie between 30 ns for LOS sceanrios and 40 ns for NLOS scenarios. For non-LOS scenarios at large distances, the maximum of the power delay profile is observed some 40 ns after the arrival of the first multipath components. We also draw conclusions about the behavior of typical UWB system designs in the measured channels.


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      MERL Contacts: Jinyun Zhang; Anthony Vetro
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