A Flexible Lognormal Sum Approximation Method
- "A Flexible Lognormal Sum Approximation Method", IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM), November 2005, vol. 6, pp. 3413-3417.BibTeX TR2005-099 PDF
- @inproceedings{Wu2005nov1,
- author = {Wu, J. and Mehta, N.B. and Zhang, J.},
- title = {{A Flexible Lognormal Sum Approximation Method}},
- booktitle = {IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM)},
- year = 2005,
- volume = 6,
- pages = {3413--3417},
- month = nov,
- url = {}
- }
- "A Flexible Lognormal Sum Approximation Method", IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM), November 2005, vol. 6, pp. 3413-3417.
MERL Contact:
Research Area:
A simple and novel method is presented to approximate the distribution of the sum of independent, but not necessarily identical, lognormal random variables, by the lognormal distribution. It is shown that matching a short GaussHermite approximation of the moment generating function of the lognormal sum with that of the lognormal distribution leads to an accurate lognormal sum approximation. The advantage of the proposed method over the ones in the literature, such as the Fenton-Wilkinson method, Schwartz-Yeh method, and the recently proposed Beaulieu-Xie method, is that it provides the parametric flexibility to handle the inevitable trade-off that needs to be made in approximating different regions of the probability distribution function. The accuracy is verified using extensive simulations based on a cellular layout.
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Where: IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM)
MERL Contact: Jinyun ZhangBrief- The papers "Reduced Latency Iterative Decoding of LDPC Codes" by Wang, Y., Zhang, J., Fossorier, M. and Yedidia, J.S., "Multiscale Energy Products for TOA Estimation in IR-UWB Systems" by Guvenc, I. and Sahinoglu, Z., "Flexible Lognormal Sum Approximation Method" by Wu, J., Mehta, N.B. and Zhang, J., "Spectral Efficiency Analysis of Cellular Systems with Channel-Aware Schedulers" by Wu, J., Mehta, N.B. and Zhang, J., "Orthogonality Factor in WCDMA Downlinks in Urban Macrocellular Environments" by Mehta, N.B., Molisch, A.F. and Greenstein, L.J., "Improved Min-Sum Decoding of LDPC Codes Using 2-Dimensional Normalization" by Zhang, J., Fossorier, M., Gu, D. and Zhang, J. and "A Comprehensive Model for Ultrawideband Propagation Channels" by Molisch, A.F., Balakrishnan, K., Cassioli, D., Chong, C.-C., Emami, S., Fort, A., Karedal, J., Kunisch, J., Schantz, H. and Siwiak, K. were presented at the IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM).