Hybrid Infrared and Visible Light Projection for Location Tracking
- "Hybrid Infrared and Visible Light Projection for Location Tracking", ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST), October 2007, pp. 57-60.BibTeX TR2007-109 PDF
- @inproceedings{Lee2007oct,
- author = {Lee, J. and Hudson, S. and Dietz, P.},
- title = {{Hybrid Infrared and Visible Light Projection for Location Tracking}},
- booktitle = {ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST)},
- year = 2007,
- pages = {57--60},
- month = oct,
- isbn = {978-1-59593-679-2},
- url = {}
- }
- "Hybrid Infrared and Visible Light Projection for Location Tracking", ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST), October 2007, pp. 57-60.
Research Area:
Interactive projection systems typically require a dedicated location tracking technology for the purpose of cursor or controller input. Many research systems exploring projector-based augmented reality and augmented workable require accurate registration of the projected imagery onto physical surfaces which is done either manually, using a camera, or other tracking device. In this paper, we describe the implementation of a prototype projector capable of displaying both infrared as well as visible light images. Using infrared patterns, we can discover the locations of light sensors in a manner that is invisible to a human observer while visible patterns provide application content. By unifying the location tracking and projection technology into a single device, we can greatly simplify the implementation and execution of interactive projection systems and inherently support multi-user stylus input on surfaces that may be non-planar and discontinuous.
Related News & Events
NEWS UIST 2007: 3 publications by John Barnwell, Clifton Forlines and others Date: October 7, 2007
Where: ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST)Brief- The papers "Hybrid Infrared and Visible Light Projection for Location Tracking" by Lee, J., Hudson, S. and Dietz, P., "Multi-user Interaction Using Handheld Projectors" by Cao, X., Forlines, C. and Balakrishnan, R. and "Lucid Touch: A See-through Mobile Device" by Wigdor, D., Forlines, C., Baudisch, P., Barnwell, J. and Shen, C. were presented at the ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST).