AlGaN/GaN based Multi-Metal Gated High Electron Mobility Transistor with Improved Linearity
- "AlGaN/GaN based Multi-Metal Gated High Electron Mobility Transistor with Improved Linearity", IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, DOI: 10.1109/TED.2023.3311422, Vol. 70, No. 1, pp. 5570-5576, December 2023.BibTeX TR2023-153 PDF
- @article{Azad2023dec,
- author = {Azad, Tasnim and Hossain, Toiyob and Sikder, Bejoy and Xie, Qingyun and Yuan, Mengyang and Yagyu, Eiji and Teo, Koon Hoo and Palacios, Tomas and Chowdhury, Nadim},
- title = {{AlGaN/GaN based Multi-Metal Gated High Electron Mobility Transistor with Improved Linearity}},
- journal = {IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices},
- year = 2023,
- volume = 70,
- number = 1,
- pages = {5570--5576},
- month = dec,
- doi = {10.1109/TED.2023.3311422},
- url = {}
- }
- "AlGaN/GaN based Multi-Metal Gated High Electron Mobility Transistor with Improved Linearity", IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, DOI: 10.1109/TED.2023.3311422, Vol. 70, No. 1, pp. 5570-5576, December 2023.
Research Area:
This work proposes a multi-metal gated architecture to improve the linearity of AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistor (HEMT). The general idea of this architecture is to use different gate metals along the width of the device. Through experimentally calibrated technology computer-aided design (TCAD) simulation, a selection of metals along with widths that yields the lowest value of third-order transconductance (gm3) has also been estimated. Single tone large signal simulation of proposed de- vice exhibits output-referred 1dB compression point (P1dB) of 1.81 W/mm, saturation output power (Psat) of 6.91 W/mm, and maximum power added efficiency (PAE) of 65%, all of which are better than simulations of standard/baseline device structures. Two-tone large signal simulation shows excellent linearity performance when biased at deep class AB showing OIP3/PDC of 13.7 dB which is 6.3 dB higher and IMD3 of −45.7 dBc which is 12.9 dB lower than baseline device at VDS,Q = 28 V, ID,Q = 73 mA/mm. These performance matrices attest to the improved linearity performance of the proposed device compared to conventional planar Al- GaN/GaN HEMT.