
Multi-Camera Calibration, Object Tracking and Query Generation

    •  Porikli, F.M., Divakaran, A., "Multi-Camera Calibration, Object Tracking and Query Generation", IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), July 2003, vol. 1, pp. 653-656.
      BibTeX TR2003-100 PDF
      • @inproceedings{Porikli2003jul,
      • author = {Porikli, F.M. and Divakaran, A.},
      • title = {{Multi-Camera Calibration, Object Tracking and Query Generation}},
      • booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME)},
      • year = 2003,
      • volume = 1,
      • pages = {653--656},
      • month = jul,
      • url = {}
      • }
  • Research Area:

    Computer Vision


An automatic object tracking and video summarization method for multi-camera systems with a large number of non-overlapping field-of-view cameras is explained. In this framework, video sequences are stored for each object as opposed to storing a sequence for each camera. Objectbased representation enables annotation of video segments, and extraction of content semantics for further analysis. We also present a novel solution to the inter-camera color calibration problem. The transitive model function enables effective compensation for lighting changes and radiometric distortions for large-scale systems. After initial calibration, objects are tracked at each camera by background subtraction and mean-shift analysis. The correspondence of objects between different cameras is established by using a Bayesian Belief Network. This framework empowers the user to get a concise response to queries such as which locations did an object visit on Monday and what did it do there?


  • Related News & Events

    •  NEWS    ICME 2003: 7 publications by Chia Shen, Anthony Vetro, Ajay Divakaran and Huifang Sun
      Date: July 6, 2003
      Where: IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME)
      MERL Contacts: Anthony Vetro; Huifang Sun
      • The papers "Multi-Camera Calibration, Object Tracking and Query Generation" by Porikli, F.M. and Divakaran, A., "Unsupervised Discovery of Multilevel Statistical Video Structures Using Hierarchical Hidden Markov Models" by Xie, L., Chang, S.-F., Divakaran, A. and Sun, H., "FGS Enhancement Layer Truncation with Minimized Intra-Frame Quality Variation" by Zhou, J., Shao, H.-R., Shen, C. and Sun, M.-T., "Object-Based Coding for Long-Term Archive of Surveillance Video" by Vetro, A., Haga, T., Sumi, K. and Sun, H., "Rate Allocation for FGS-Coded Video Using Composite Rate-Distortion Analysis" by Cheng, H., Zhang, X.M., Shi, Y.Q., Vetro, A. and Sun, H., "Audio Events Detection Based Highlights Extraction from Baseball, Golf and Soccer Games in a Unified Framework" by Xiong, Z., Radhakrishnan, R., Divakaran, A. and Huang, T.S. and "Comparing MFCC and MPEG-7 Audio Features for Feature Extraction, Maximum Likelihood HMM and Entropic Prior HMM for Sports Audio Classification" by Xiong, Z., Radhakrishnan, R., Divakaran, A. and Huang, T.S. were presented at the IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME).