Least squares dynamics in Newton-Krylov Model Predictive Control
- "Least squares dynamics in Newton-Krylov Model Predictive Control", American Control Conference (ACC), DOI: 10.23919/ACC.2017.7963737, May 2017.BibTeX TR2017-065 PDF
- @inproceedings{Knyazev2017may,
- author = {Knyazev, Andrew and Malyshev, Alexander},
- title = {{Least squares dynamics in Newton-Krylov Model Predictive Control}},
- booktitle = {American Control Conference (ACC)},
- year = 2017,
- month = may,
- doi = {10.23919/ACC.2017.7963737},
- url = {}
- }
- "Least squares dynamics in Newton-Krylov Model Predictive Control", American Control Conference (ACC), DOI: 10.23919/ACC.2017.7963737, May 2017.
Research Area:
Newton-Krylov methods for nonlinear Model Predictive Control are pioneered by Ohtsuka under the name "C/GMRES". Ohtsuka eliminates a system state over the horizon from Karush-Kuhn-Tucker stationarity conditions of a Lagrangian using equations of system dynamics. We propose instead using least squares to fit the state to the dynamics and some constraints on the state, if they are inconsistent. Correspondingly modified Newton-Krylov methods are described. Numerical tests demonstrate workability of our modification.