
Online Constrained Bayesian Inference and Learning of Gaussian-Process State-Space Models

    •  Berntorp, K., Menner, M., "Online Constrained Bayesian Inference and Learning of Gaussian-Process State-Space Models", American Control Conference (ACC), DOI: 10.23919/​ACC53348.2022.9867635, June 2022, pp. 940-945.
      BibTeX TR2022-066 PDF
      • @inproceedings{Berntorp2022jun,
      • author = {Berntorp, Karl and Menner, Marcel},
      • title = {{Online Constrained Bayesian Inference and Learning of Gaussian-Process State-Space Models}},
      • booktitle = {American Control Conference (ACC)},
      • year = 2022,
      • pages = {940--945},
      • month = jun,
      • doi = {10.23919/ACC53348.2022.9867635},
      • url = {}
      • }
  • Research Areas:

    Control, Dynamical Systems, Machine Learning


Recent research has shown that it is possible to perform online learning of nonlinear dynamical systems. Furthermore, the results suggest that combining approximate Gaussian-process (GP) regression with model-based estimators, such as Kalman filters and particle filters (PFs), leads to efficient learners under the GP-state-space model (GP-SSM) framework. Here, we analyze how learning of GP-SSMs can be done when there are constraints on the system to be learned. Our analysis is based on a recently developed online PF-based learning method, where the GP-SSM is expressed as a basis-function expansion. We show that the method by adaptation of the basis functions can satisfy several constraints, such as symmetry, antisymmetry, Neumann boundary conditions, and linear operator constraints. A Monte-Carlo simulation study indicates reduced estimation errors with more than 50%.


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