
Optimal Condition Training for Target Source Separation


Recent research has shown remarkable performance in leveraging multiple extraneous conditional and non-mutually-exclusive seman- tic concepts for sound source separation, allowing the flexibility to extract a given target source based on multiple different queries.
In this work, we propose a new optimal condition training (OCT) method for single-channel target source separation, based on greedy parameter updates using the highest performing condition among equivalent conditions associated with a given target source. Our ex- periments show that the complementary information carried by the diverse semantic concepts significantly helps to disentangle and iso- late sources of interest much more efficiently compared to single- conditioned models. Moreover, we propose a variation of OCT with condition refinement, in which an initial condition vector is adapted to the given mixture and transformed to a more amenable repre- sentation for target source extraction. We showcase the effective- ness of OCT on diverse source separation experiments where it im- proves upon permutation invariant models with oracle assignment between estimated and target sources and obtains state-of-the-art performance in the more challenging task of text-based source sepa- ration, outperforming even dedicated text-only conditioned models.


  • Related News & Events

    •  EVENT    MERL Contributes to ICASSP 2023
      Date: Sunday, June 4, 2023 - Saturday, June 10, 2023
      Location: Rhodes Island, Greece
      MERL Contacts: Petros T. Boufounos; François Germain; Toshiaki Koike-Akino; Jonathan Le Roux; Dehong Liu; Suhas Lohit; Yanting Ma; Hassan Mansour; Joshua Rapp; Anthony Vetro; Pu (Perry) Wang; Gordon Wichern
      Research Areas: Artificial Intelligence, Computational Sensing, Machine Learning, Signal Processing, Speech & Audio
      • MERL has made numerous contributions to both the organization and technical program of ICASSP 2023, which is being held in Rhodes Island, Greece from June 4-10, 2023.


        Petros Boufounos is serving as General Co-Chair of the conference this year, where he has been involved in all aspects of conference planning and execution.

        Perry Wang is the organizer of a special session on Radar-Assisted Perception (RAP), which will be held on Wednesday, June 7. The session will feature talks on signal processing and deep learning for radar perception, pose estimation, and mutual interference mitigation with speakers from both academia (Carnegie Mellon University, Virginia Tech, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign) and industry (Mitsubishi Electric, Bosch, Waveye).

        Anthony Vetro is the co-organizer of the Workshop on Signal Processing for Autonomous Systems (SPAS), which will be held on Monday, June 5, and feature invited talks from leaders in both academia and industry on timely topics related to autonomous systems.


        MERL is proud to be a Silver Patron of the conference and will participate in the student job fair on Thursday, June 8. Please join this session to learn more about employment opportunities at MERL, including openings for research scientists, post-docs, and interns.

        MERL is pleased to be the sponsor of two IEEE Awards that will be presented at the conference. We congratulate Prof. Rabab Ward, the recipient of the 2023 IEEE Fourier Award for Signal Processing, and Prof. Alexander Waibel, the recipient of the 2023 IEEE James L. Flanagan Speech and Audio Processing Award.

        Technical Program

        MERL is presenting 13 papers in the main conference on a wide range of topics including source separation and speech enhancement, radar imaging, depth estimation, motor fault detection, time series recovery, and point clouds. One workshop paper has also been accepted for presentation on self-supervised music source separation.

        Perry Wang has been invited to give a keynote talk on Wi-Fi sensing and related standards activities at the Workshop on Integrated Sensing and Communications (ISAC), which will be held on Sunday, June 4.

        Additionally, Anthony Vetro will present a Perspective Talk on Physics-Grounded Machine Learning, which is scheduled for Thursday, June 8.

        About ICASSP

        ICASSP is the flagship conference of the IEEE Signal Processing Society, and the world's largest and most comprehensive technical conference focused on the research advances and latest technological development in signal and information processing. The event attracts more than 2000 participants each year.
  • Related Publication

  •  Tzinis, E., Wichern, G., Smaragdis, P., Le Roux, J., "Optimal Condition Training for Target Source Separation", arXiv, November 2022.
    BibTeX arXiv
    • @article{Tzinis2022nov,
    • author = {Tzinis, Efthymios and Wichern, Gordon and Smaragdis, Paris and {Le Roux}, Jonathan},
    • title = {{Optimal Condition Training for Target Source Separation}},
    • journal = {arXiv},
    • year = 2022,
    • month = nov,
    • url = {}
    • }