Philip V. Orlik

- Phone: 617-621-7570
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Vice President & Director -
Ph.D., State University of New York at Stony Brook, 1999 -
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Phil's Quick Links
Prior to joining MERL in 2000, Phil worked as a simulation engineer for the MITRE Corporation. His current research interests include wireless communications and networking, signal processing for communication systems, queuing theory, and analytical modeling.
Recent News & Events
NEWS Jianlin Guo delivered a keynote in IEEE ICC 2024 Workshop Date: June 13, 2024
Where: IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC)
MERL Contacts: Jianlin Guo; Philip V. Orlik; Kieran Parsons; Pu (Perry) Wang
Research Areas: Communications, Machine Learning, Signal ProcessingBrief- Jianlin Guo delivered a keynote titled "Private IoT Networks" in the IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2024 Workshop "Industrial Private 5G-and-Beyond Wireless Networks", held in Denver, Colorado from June 9-13. The ICC is one of two IEEE Communications Society’s flagship conferences.
Abstract: With the advent of private 5G-and-Beyond communication technologies, private IoT networks have been emerging. In private IoT networks, network owners have full control on the network resource management. However, to fully realize private IoT networks, the upper layer technologies need to be developed as well. This keynote presents machine learning based anomaly detection in manufacturing systems, innovative multipath TCP technologies over heterogeneous wireless IoT networks, novel channel resource scheduling in private 5G networks and efficient wireless coexistence of the heterogeneous wireless systems.
- Jianlin Guo delivered a keynote titled "Private IoT Networks" in the IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2024 Workshop "Industrial Private 5G-and-Beyond Wireless Networks", held in Denver, Colorado from June 9-13. The ICC is one of two IEEE Communications Society’s flagship conferences.
NEWS Keynote address given by Philip Orlik at 9th annual IEEE Smartcomp conference Date: June 26, 2023
Where: International Conference on Smart Computing (SMARTCOMP), Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee
MERL Contact: Philip V. Orlik
Research Areas: Communications, Dynamical Systems, Machine Learning, Multi-Physical Modeling, Signal ProcessingBrief- VP & Research Director, Philip Orlik, gave a keynote titled, "Smart Technologies for Smarter Buildings" at the 9th edition of the IEEE International Conference on Smart Computing (SMARTCOMP) focusing on some of the research challenges and opportunities that arise as we seek to achieve net-zero emissions in Smart building environments.
SMARTCOMP is the premier conference on smart computing. Smart computing is a multidisciplinary domain based on the synergistic influence of advances in sensor-based technologies, Internet of Things, cyber-physical systems, edge computing, big data analytics, machine learning, cognitive computing, and artificial intelligence.
- VP & Research Director, Philip Orlik, gave a keynote titled, "Smart Technologies for Smarter Buildings" at the 9th edition of the IEEE International Conference on Smart Computing (SMARTCOMP) focusing on some of the research challenges and opportunities that arise as we seek to achieve net-zero emissions in Smart building environments.
See All News & Events for Phil -
AWARD Best Paper Award of 2022 IPSJ Transactions on Consumer Devices & Systems Date: March 27, 2023
Awarded to: Yukimasa Nagai, Takenori Sumi, Jianlin Guo, Philip Orlik, Hiroshi Mineno
MERL Contacts: Jianlin Guo; Philip V. Orlik; Kieran Parsons
Research Areas: Communications, Signal ProcessingBrief- MELCO/MERL research paper “IEEE 802.19.3 Standardization for Coexistence of IEEE 802.11ah and IEEE 802.15.4g Systems in Sub-1GHz Frequency Bands” has won the Best Paper Award of the 2022 IPSJ Transactions on Consumer Devices and Systems. The Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ) award was established in 1970 and is conferred on the authors of particularly excellent papers, which are published in the IPSJ journals and transactions. Our paper was published by the IPSJ Transaction on Consumer Device and System Vol. 29 in 2021 and authors are Yukimasa Nagai, Takenori Sumi, Jianlin Guo, Philip Orlik and Hiroshi Mineno.
AWARD MERL receives 33rd ARIB Radio Achievement Award Date: June 28, 2022
Awarded to: Yukimasa Nagai, Jianlin Guo, Shoichi Kitazawa, Kazuto Yano.
MERL Contacts: Jianlin Guo; Philip V. Orlik
Research Areas: Communications, Electric SystemsBrief- Mitsubishi Electric Corporation (Yukimasa Nagai), MERL (Jianlin Guo), Muroran Institute of Technology (Shoichi Kitazawa) and Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International (Kazuto Yano) jointly won the 33rd ARIB Radio Achievement Award with "IEEE 802.19.3 Standardization and Development for Sub-1 GHz Wireless Frequency Coexistence". The ARIB is an organization similar to the FCC in the U.S. It is responsible for setting standards for all radio communications in Japan at the request of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC). In order to promote the effective use of radio waves, the "Radio Achievement Award" is given annually to an individual or organization that has made a special achievement in the effective use of radio waves. This award is the most prestigious award in the field of wireless communications in Japan.
AWARD Japan Telecommunications Advancement Foundation Award Date: March 15, 2022
Awarded to: Yukimasa Nagai, Jianlin Guo, Philip Orlik, Takenori Sumi, Benjamin A. Rolfe and Hiroshi Mineno
MERL Contacts: Jianlin Guo; Philip V. Orlik
Research Areas: Communications, Machine LearningBrief- MELCO/MERL research paper “Sub-1 GHz Frequency Band Wireless Coexistence for the Internet of Things” has won the 37th Telecommunications Advancement Foundation Award (Telecom System Technology Award) in Japan. This award started in 1984, and is given to research papers and works related to information and telecommunications that have made significant contributions and achievements to the advancement, development, and standardization of information and telecommunications from technical and engineering perspectives. The award recognizes both the IEEE 802.19.3 standardization efforts and the technological advancements using reinforcement learning and robust access methodologies for wireless communication system. This year, there were 43 entries with 5 winning awards and 3 winning encouragement awards. This is the first time MELCO/MERL has received this award. Our paper has been published by IEEE Access in 2021 and authors are Yukimasa Nagai, Jianlin Guo, Philip Orlik, Takenori Sumi, Benjamin A. Rolfe and Hiroshi Mineno.
AWARD Excellent Presentation Award Date: January 25, 2021
Awarded to: Takenori Sumi, Yukimasa Nagai, Jianlin Guo, Philip Orlik, Tatsuya Yokoyama, Hiroshi Mineno
MERL Contacts: Jianlin Guo; Philip V. Orlik
Research Areas: Communications, Machine Learning, Signal ProcessingBrief- MELCO and MERL researchers have won "Excellent Presentation Award" at the IPSJ/CDS30 (Information Processing Society of Japan/Consumer Devices and Systems 30th conferences) held on January 25, 2021. The paper titled "Sub-1 GHz Coexistence Using Reinforcement Learning Based IEEE 802.11ah RAW Scheduling" addresses coexistence between IEEE 802.11ah and IEEE 802.15.4g systems in the Sub-1 GHz frequency bands. This paper proposes a novel method to allocate IEEE 802.11 RAW time slots using a Q-Learning technique. MERL and MELCO have been leading IEEE 802.19.3 coexistence standard development and this paper is a good candidate for future standard enhancement. The authors are Takenori Sumi, Yukimasa Nagai, Jianlin Guo, Philip Orlik, Tatsuya Yokoyama and Hiroshi Mineno.
AWARD Outstanding Presentation Award at the 28th Conference of Information Processing Society of Japan/Consumer Device & Systems Date: October 20, 2020
Awarded to: Yukimasa Nagai, Takenori Sumi, Jianlin Guo, Philip Orlik, Hiroshi Mineno
MERL Contacts: Jianlin Guo; Philip V. Orlik
Research Areas: Communications, Optimization, Signal ProcessingBrief- MELCO and MERL researchers have won "Outstanding Presentation Award" at 28th Conference of Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ)/Consumer Device & Systems held on September 29-30, 2020. The paper titled "IEEE 802.19.3 Standardization for Coexistence of IEEE 802.11ah and IEEE 802.15.4g Systems in Sub-1 GHz Frequency Bands" reports IEEE 802.19.3 standard development on coexistence between IEEE 802.11ah and IEEE 802.15.4g systems in the Sub-1 GHz frequency bands. MERL and MELCO have been leading this standard development and made major technical contributions, which propose methods to mitigate interference in smart meter systems. The authors are Yukimasa Nagai, Takenori Sumi, Jianlin Guo, Philip Orlik and Hiroshi Mineno.
AWARD Best Paper AWARD at International Workshop on Informatics (IWIN) 2020 Date: September 11, 2020
Awarded to: Yukimasa Nagai, Jianlin Guo, Takenori Sumi, Philip Orlik, Hiroshi Mineno
MERL Contacts: Jianlin Guo; Philip V. Orlik
Research Areas: Communications, Signal ProcessingBrief- MELCO and MERL researchers have won one of two Best Paper Awards at International Workshop on Informatics (IWIN) 2020. The paper titled 'Hybrid CSMA/CA for Sub-1 GHz Frequency Band Coexistence of IEEE 802.11ah and IEEE 802.15.4g', reports research on the severity of interference between IEEE 802.11ah and IEEE 802.15.4g based networks and also proposes methods to mitigate this interference in smart meter systems. This research reported in this paper has also informed several of MELCO/MERL's contributions to the IEEE P802.19.3 task group which is developing standards to allow for improved coexistence in outdoor metering systems. Authors are Yukimasa Nagai, Jianlin Guo, Takenori Sumi, Philip Orlik and Hiroshi Mineno.
AWARD MERL Researchers Won IEEE ICC Best Paper Award Date: May 22, 2019
Awarded to: Siriramya Bhamidipati, Kyeong Jin Kim, Hongbo Sun, Philip Orlik
MERL Contacts: Hongbo Sun; Philip V. Orlik
Research Areas: Artificial Intelligence, Communications, Machine Learning, Signal Processing, Information SecurityBrief- MERL researchers, Kyeong Jin Kim, Hongbo Sun, Philip Orlik, along with lead author and former MERL intern Siriramya Bhamidipati were awarded the Smart Grid Symposium Best Paper Award at this year's International Conference on Communications (ICC) held in Shanghai, China. There paper titled "GPS Spoofing Detection and Mitigation in PMUs Using Distributed Multiple Directional Antennas," described a technique to rapidly detect and mitigate GPS timing attacks/errors via hardware (antennas) and signal processing (Kalman Filtering).
AWARD GLOBECOM 2009 Best Paper Award Date: November 1, 2009
Awarded to: Toshiaki Koike-Akino, Andreas Molisch, Zhifeng Tao, Philip Orlik and Toshiyuki Kuze
Awarded for: "Unified Analysis of Linear Block Precoding for Distributed Antenna Systems"
Awarded by: Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM)
MERL Contacts: Toshiaki Koike-Akino; Philip V. Orlik
Research Area: Communications
Research Highlights
MERL Publications
- "IEEE 802.19.3a Standardization: Updating Sub-1 GHz Band Wireless Coexistence Recommendations", IEEE Conference on Standards for Communications and Networking (CSCN), November 2024.BibTeX TR2024-161 PDF
- @inproceedings{Nagai2024nov,
- author = {Nagai, Yukimasa and Guo, Jianlin and Rolfe, Benjamin A. and Sumi, Takenori and Parsons, Kieran and Orlik, Philip V.},
- title = {{IEEE 802.19.3a Standardization: Updating Sub-1 GHz Band Wireless Coexistence Recommendations}},
- booktitle = {IEEE Conference on Standards for Communications and Networking (CSCN)},
- year = 2024,
- month = nov,
- url = {}
- }
, - "Remaining Useful Life Estimation of Used Li-Ion Cells with Deep Learning Algorithms without First Life Information", IEEE Access, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3474089, Vol. 12, pp. 147798-147808, October 2024.BibTeX TR2024-155 PDF
- @article{Sanz-Gorrachategui2024oct,
- author = {Sanz-Gorrachategui, Ivan and Wang, Ye and Guillen-Asenio, Alejandro and Bono-Nuez, Antonio and Martín-del-Brío, Bonifacio and Orlik, Philip V. and Pastor-Flores, Pablo},
- title = {{Remaining Useful Life Estimation of Used Li-Ion Cells with Deep Learning Algorithms without First Life Information}},
- journal = {IEEE Access},
- year = 2024,
- volume = 12,
- pages = {147798--147808},
- month = oct,
- doi = {10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3474089},
- url = {}
- }
, - "Spatial-Domain Mutual Interference Mitigation for MIMO-FMCW Automotive Radar", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, DOI: 10.1109/TVT.2024.3467917, September 2024.BibTeX TR2024-148 PDF
- @article{Jin2024sep,
- author = {Jin, Sian and Wang, Pu and Boufounos, Petros T. and Orlik, Philip V. and Takahashi, Ryuhei and Roy, Sumit},
- title = {{Spatial-Domain Mutual Interference Mitigation for MIMO-FMCW Automotive Radar}},
- journal = {IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology},
- year = 2024,
- month = sep,
- doi = {10.1109/TVT.2024.3467917},
- issn = {1939-9359},
- url = {}
- }
, - "Sub-1 GHz Band Wireless Coexistence Study for OFDM Systems in IEEE 802.19.3a", Workshop on Smart Radio for IoT Era (SRIoT), July 2024.BibTeX TR2024-090 PDF
- @inproceedings{Nagai2024jul,
- author = {Nagai, Yukimasa and Guo, Jianlin and Rolfe, Benjamin A. and Yano, Kazuto and Sumi, Takenori and Parsons, Kieran and Orlik, Philip V. and Wang, Pu},
- title = {{Sub-1 GHz Band Wireless Coexistence Study for OFDM Systems in IEEE 802.19.3a}},
- booktitle = {Workshop on Smart Radio for IoT Era (SRIoT)},
- year = 2024,
- month = jul,
- url = {}
- }
, - "Learning Based Routing Link Scheduling in Heterogeneous Wireless IoT Networks", IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), June 2024.BibTeX TR2024-069 PDF
- @inproceedings{Wang2024jun3,
- author = {Wang, Zhiyang and Guo, Jianlin and Parsons, Kieran and Nagai, Yukimasa and Sumi, Takenori and Orlik, Philip V.},
- title = {{Learning Based Routing Link Scheduling in Heterogeneous Wireless IoT Networks}},
- booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC)},
- year = 2024,
- month = jun,
- url = {}
- }
- "IEEE 802.19.3a Standardization: Updating Sub-1 GHz Band Wireless Coexistence Recommendations", IEEE Conference on Standards for Communications and Networking (CSCN), November 2024.
Software & Data Downloads
MERL Issued Patents
Title: "System and Method for Detecting an Object in a Scene"
Inventors: Wang, Pu; Jin, Sian; Boufounos, Petros T.; Orlik, Philip V.
Patent No.: 12,248,054
Issue Date: Mar 11, 2025 -
Title: "Suspendable CSMA/CA for IEEE 802.15.4 System to Reduce Packet Discard Caused by Backoff Failure"
Inventors: Guo, Jianlin; Nagai, Yukimasa; Sumi, Takenori; Parsons, Kieran; Orlik, Philip V.; Wang, Pu
Patent No.: 12,213,177
Issue Date: Jan 28, 2025 -
Title: "Hybrid Carrier Sense Multiple Access System with Collision Avoidance for IEEE 802.15.4 to Achieve Better Coexistence with IEEE 802.11"
Inventors: Guo, Jianlin; Orlik, Philip V.; Nagai, Yukimasa; Sumi, Takenori
Patent No.: 12,127,251
Issue Date: Oct 22, 2024 -
Title: "Active Cross-Technology Neighbor Discovery"
Inventors: Guo, Jianlin; Wang, Pu; Parsons, Kieran; Orlik, Philip V.; Nagai, Yukimasa; Sumi, Takenori
Patent No.: 12,063,707
Issue Date: Aug 13, 2024 -
Title: "Bluetooth-based Spatial-Temporal Localization"
Inventors: Wang, Pu; Yu, Jianyuan; Koike-Akino, Toshiaki; Orlik, Philip V.
Patent No.: 12063620
Issue Date: Aug 13, 2024 -
Inventors: Kim, Kyeong-Jin; Song, Hao; Guo, Jianlin; Orlik, Philip V.; Parsons, Kieran
Patent No.: 12,058,721
Issue Date: Aug 6, 2024 -
Inventors: Kim, Kyeong-Jin; Song, Hao; Guo, Jianlin; Orlik, Philip V.; Parsons, Kieran
Patent No.: 12,010,678
Issue Date: Jun 11, 2024 -
Title: "Anomaly Detection and Diagnosis in Factory Automation System using Pre-Processed Time-Delay Neural Network with Loss Function Adaptation"
Inventors: Guo, Jianlin; Liu, Bryan; Koike-Akino, Toshiaki; Wang, Ye; Kim, Kyeong-Jin; Parsons, Kieran; Orlik, Philip V.
Patent No.: 12,007,760
Issue Date: Jun 11, 2024 -
Title: "System and Method for Active Carrier Sense Based CSMA/CA for IEEE 802.15.4 System to Avoid Packet Discard Caused by Interference"
Inventors: Guo, Jianlin; Orlik, Philip V.; Nagai, Yukimasa; Sumi, Takenori; Wang, Pu; Parsons, Kieran
Patent No.: 11,985,705
Issue Date: May 14, 2024 -
Title: "System and Method for Tracking an Expanded State of a Moving Object Using a Compound Measurement Model"
Inventors: Wang, Pu; Mansour, Hassan; Berntorp, Karl; Boufounos, Petros T.; Orlik, Philip V.
Patent No.: 11,914,023
Issue Date: Feb 27, 2024 -
Title: "Multi-Band Wi-Fi Fusion for WLAN Sensing"
Inventors: Wang, Pu; Yu, Jianyuan; Koike-Akino, Toshiaki; Wang, Ye; Orlik, Philip V.
Patent No.: 11,902,811
Issue Date: Feb 13, 2024 -
Title: "System and Method for Tracking Expanded State of Moving Object with Model Geometry Learning"
Inventors: Wang, Pu; Berntorp, Karl; Xia, Yuxuan; Mansour, Hassan; Boufounos, Petros T.; Orlik, Philip V.
Patent No.: 11,879,964
Issue Date: Jan 23, 2024 -
Inventors: Ma, Yanting; Liu, Dehong; Boufounos, Petros T.; Orlik, Philip V.
Patent No.: 11,842,504
Issue Date: Dec 12, 2023 -
Title: "Hybrid Carrier Sense Multiple Access System with Collision Avoidance for IEEE 802.15.4 to Achieve Better Coexistence with IEEE 802.11"
Inventors: Guo, Jianlin; Orlik, Philip V.; Nagai, Yukimasa; Sumi, Takenori
Patent No.: 11,622,384
Issue Date: Apr 4, 2023 -
Title: "System and Method for Tracking Expanded State of an Object"
Inventors: Wang, Pu; Xia, Yuxuan; Berntorp, Karl; Koike-Akino, Toshiaki; Mansour, Hassan; Boufounos, Petros T.; Orlik, Philip V.
Patent No.: 11,619,494
Issue Date: Apr 4, 2023 -
Title: "Routing Data in Wireless Network That Coexists with Interfering Wireless Networks"
Inventors: Guo, Jianlin; Orlik, Philip V.; Nagai, Yukimasa; Sumi, Takenori
Patent No.: 11,595,874
Issue Date: Feb 28, 2023 -
Title: "Radar Detection of Moving Object with Waveform Separation Residual"
Inventors: Wang, Pu; Boufounos, Petros T.; Mansour, Hassan; Orlik, Philip V.
Patent No.: 11,567,183
Issue Date: Jan 31, 2023 -
Title: "System and Method for Probabilistic Multi-Robot Positioning"
Inventors: Pajovic, Milutin; Orlik, Philip V.
Patent No.: 11,448,511
Issue Date: Sep 20, 2022 -
Title: "System and Method for Probabilistic Multi-Robot SLAM"
Inventors: Pajovic, Milutin; Glaser, Nathaniel M; Orlik, Philip V.
Patent No.: 11,347,238
Issue Date: May 31, 2022 -
Title: "Frequency Modulated Image Reconstruction"
Inventors: Millar, David; Wang, Pu; Parsons, Kieran; Orlik, Philip V.
Patent No.: 11,346,932
Issue Date: May 31, 2022 -
Title: "System and Method for Probabilistic Multi-Robot Positioning"
Inventors: Pajovic, Milutin; Shah, Vikrant; Orlik, Philip V.
Patent No.: 11,331,801
Issue Date: May 17, 2022 -
Title: "Adaptive Control of Vehicular Traffic"
Inventors: Guo, Jianlin; Lee, Gilsoo; Kim, Kyeong-Jin; Orlik, Philip V.; Ahn, Heejin; Di Cairano, Stefano
Patent No.: 11,328,589
Issue Date: May 10, 2022 -
Title: "Communication System and Method for Asynchronous Joint Transmissions using a Cluster-Based Distributed Cyclic Delay Diversity Scheme"
Inventors: Kim, Kyeong-Jin; Guo, Jianlin; Orlik, Philip V.
Patent No.: 11,303,341
Issue Date: Apr 12, 2022 -
Title: "EMI reduction in PWM inverters using adaptive frequency modulated carriers"
Inventors: Liu, Dehong; Sugawara, Retsu; Orlik, Philip V.
Patent No.: 11,258,357
Issue Date: Feb 22, 2022 -
Title: "Localization using Millimeter Wave Beam Attributes for Keyless Entry Applications"
Inventors: Koike-Akino, Toshiaki; Wang, Pu; Pajovic, Milutin; Orlik, Philip V.
Patent No.: 11,249,181
Issue Date: Feb 15, 2022 -
Title: "Scheduling Data Traffic in Wireless Time Sensitive Networks"
Inventors: Guo, Jianlin; Kim, Kyeong-Jin; Orlik, Philip V.
Patent No.: 11,228,942
Issue Date: Jan 18, 2022 -
Title: "Hybrid Carrier Sense Multiple Access System with Collision Avoidance for IEEE 802.15.4 to Achieve Better Coexistence with IEEE 802.11"
Inventors: Guo, Jianlin; Orlik, Philip V.; Nagai, Yukimasa; Sumi, Takenori
Patent No.: 11,166,315
Issue Date: Nov 2, 2021 -
Title: "Joint Control of Vehicles Traveling on Different Intersecting Roads"
Inventors: Guo, Jianlin; Ye, Fei; Kim, Kyeong-Jin; Orlik, Philip V.; Ahn, Heejin; Di Cairano, Stefano
Patent No.: 11,145,197
Issue Date: Oct 12, 2021 -
Title: "Localization using Millimeter Wave Beam Attributes"
Inventors: Pajovic, Milutin; Koike-Akino, Toshiaki; Wang, Pu; Orlik, Philip V.
Patent No.: 11,122,397
Issue Date: Sep 14, 2021 -
Title: "Symbol Detection of Massive MIMO Systems with Unknown Symbol-Dependent Transmit-Side Impairments"
Inventors: Wang, Pu; Koike-Akino, Toshiaki; Pajovic, Milutin; Orlik, Philip V.
Patent No.: 11,121,816
Issue Date: Sep 14, 2021 -
Title: "Position Estimation Under Multipath Transmission"
Inventors: Kim, Kyeong-Jin; Orlik, Philip V.; Hori, Chiori
Patent No.: 11,079,495
Issue Date: Aug 3, 2021 -
Title: "Learning-Based See-Through Sensing Suitable for Factory Automation"
Inventors: Wang, Pu; Koike-Akino, Toshiaki; Orlik, Philip V.; Bose, Arindam
Patent No.: 11,061,388
Issue Date: Jul 13, 2021 -
Title: "Network Adapted Control System"
Inventors: Guo, Jianlin; Ma, Yehan; Wang, Yebin; Chakrabarty, Ankush; Ahn, Heejin; Orlik, Philip V.
Patent No.: 10,969,767
Issue Date: Apr 6, 2021 -
Title: "Reference-Free Nonlinearity Correction for FMCW-Based Sensing Systems"
Inventors: Wang, Pu; Millar, David; Lin, Chungwei; Parsons, Kieran; Orlik, Philip V.
Patent No.: 10,969,465
Issue Date: Apr 6, 2021 -
Title: "Battery Diagnostic System for Estimating Capacity Degradation of Batteries"
Inventors: Pajovic, Milutin; Orlik, Philip V.
Patent No.: 10,921,383
Issue Date: Feb 16, 2021 -
Title: "Symbol Detection is Shared Wireless Channel Subject to Jamming Interference"
Inventors: Pajovic, Milutin; Koike-Akino, Toshiaki; Orlik, Philip V.
Patent No.: 10,917,192
Issue Date: Feb 9, 2021 -
Title: "Loose Optical Fiber Tethering Of Multiple Satellites"
Inventors: Parsons, Kieran; Weiss, Avishai; Orlik, Philip V.; Di Cairano, Stefano
Patent No.: 10,892,826
Issue Date: Jan 12, 2021 -
Title: "Positioning System for Global Navigational Satellite System"
Inventors: Kim, Kyeong-Jin; Xu, Dongyang; Orlik, Philip V.
Patent No.: 10,884,133
Issue Date: Jan 5, 2021 -
Title: "Systems and Methods for Speed Estimation of Contactless Encoder Systems"
Inventors: Wang, Pu; Orlik, Philip V.; Sadamoto, Kota; Tsujita, Wataru
Patent No.: 10,866,124
Issue Date: Dec 15, 2020 -
Title: "Clock Synchronization for Time Sensitive Networking in Vehicular Communication Environment"
Inventors: Guo, Jianlin; Orlik, Philip V.
Patent No.: 10,838,430
Issue Date: Nov 17, 2020 -
Title: "Network Adapted Control System"
Inventors: Wang, Yebin; Ma, Yehan; Orlik, Philip V.; Koike-Akino, Toshiaki; Guo, Jianlin
Patent No.: 10,809,701
Issue Date: Oct 20, 2020 -
Title: "Methods and Systems for Terahertz-Based Positioning"
Inventors: Wang, Pu; Fu, Haoyu; Orlik, Philip V.; Koike-Akino, Toshiaki; Ma, Rui; Wang, Bingnan
Patent No.: 10,795,151
Issue Date: Oct 6, 2020 -
Title: "Distributed Sleep Management for Battery Powered Multi-Hop Heterogeneous Wireless Network"
Inventors: Guo, Jianlin; Paraskevas, Evripidis; Orlik, Philip V.
Patent No.: 10,716,064
Issue Date: Jul 14, 2020 -
Inventors: Pajovic, Milutin; Sahinoglu, Zafer; Wang, Yebin; Orlik, Philip V.
Patent No.: 10,564,222
Issue Date: Feb 18, 2020 -
Title: "System and Method for Angular-Domain Channel Estimation of Massive MIMO System with Low-Resolution ADC with Time-Varying Thresholds"
Inventors: Wang, Pu; Pajovic, Milutin; Orlik, Philip V.; Boufounos, Petros T.
Patent No.: 10,541,839
Issue Date: Jan 21, 2020 -
Title: "Interference Free Scheduling for Multi-Controller Multi-Control-Loop Control Systems over Wireless Communication Networks"
Inventors: Guo, Jianlin; Orlik, Philip V.; Wang, Yebin
Patent No.: 10,531,477
Issue Date: Jan 7, 2020 -
Title: "Device Localization using RSS Based Path Loss Exponent Estimation"
Inventors: Pajovic, Milutin; Orlik, Philip V.
Patent No.: 10,514,437
Issue Date: Dec 24, 2019 -
Title: "Symbol Detection in Shared Wireless Channel"
Inventors: Pajovic, Milutin; Orlik, Philip V.
Patent No.: 10,498,558
Issue Date: Dec 3, 2019 -
Title: "Localization using Millimeter Wave Communication Signals"
Inventors: Pajovic, Milutin; Koike-Akino, Toshiaki; Orlik, Philip V.
Patent No.: 10,425,910
Issue Date: Sep 24, 2019 -
Title: "System and Method for Parameter Estimation of Hybrid Sinusoidal FM-Polynomial Phase Signal"
Inventors: Wang, Pu; Orlik, Philip V.; Sadamoto, Kota; Tsujita, Wataru
Patent No.: 10,407,274
Issue Date: Sep 10, 2019 -
Title: "System and Method for Channel Estimation in mmWave Communications Exploiting Joint AoD-AoA Angular Spread"
Inventors: Wang, Pu; Pajovic, Milutin; Orlik, Philip V.
Patent No.: 10,382,230
Issue Date: Aug 13, 2019 -
Title: "System for Coexistence of Wi-Fi HaLow Network and Low-Rate Wireless Personal Area Network (LR-WPAN)"
Inventors: Guo, Jianlin; Liu, Ying; Orlik, Philip V.; Nagai, Yukimasa
Patent No.: 10,361,835
Issue Date: Jul 23, 2019 -
Title: "System and Method for Adaptive Beamforming Communication"
Inventors: Kim, Kyeong-Jin; Orlik, Philip V.
Patent No.: 10,355,762
Issue Date: Jul 16, 2019 -
Title: "Methods and Systems for Data-Driven Battery State of Charge (SoC) Estimation"
Inventors: Pajovic, Milutin; Ozcan, Gozde; Sahinoglu, Zafer; Wang, Yebin; Orlik, Philip V.
Patent No.: 10,324,135
Issue Date: Jun 18, 2019 -
Title: "Contactless Sensor"
Inventors: Wang, Bingnan; Teo, Koon Hoo; Orlik, Philip V.
Patent No.: 10,288,759
Issue Date: May 14, 2019 -
Title: "Scheduling of Delay Sensitive Convergecast Network"
Inventors: Kim, Kyeong-Jin; Burghal, Daoud; Guo, Jianlin; Orlik, Philip V.
Patent No.: 10,244,551
Issue Date: Mar 26, 2019 -
Title: "Method and Systems for Radio Transmission with Distributed Cyclic Delay Diversity"
Inventors: Kim, Kyeong-Jin; Orlik, Philip V.
Patent No.: 10,237,055
Issue Date: Mar 19, 2019 -
Title: "See-Through Sensing for Image Reconstruction of Structure of Target Object"
Inventors: Wang, Pu; Koike-Akino, Toshiaki; Fu, Haoyu; Orlik, Philip V.
Patent No.: 10,217,252
Issue Date: Feb 26, 2019 -
Title: "Multi-band radio frequency transmitter"
Inventors: Ma, Rui; Da Costa Dinis, Daniel Antonio; Teo, Koon Hoo; Orlik, Philip V.
Patent No.: 10,187,232
Issue Date: Jan 22, 2019 -
Title: "Systems and Methods for Separating Collided Packets in Shared Wireless Channels"
Inventors: Pajovic, Milutin; Orlik, Philip V.
Patent No.: 10,178,697
Issue Date: Jan 8, 2019 -
Title: "Method and Systems using Quasi-Synchronous Distributed CDD Systems"
Inventors: Kim, Kyeong-Jin; Orlik, Philip V.
Patent No.: 10,063,306
Issue Date: Aug 28, 2018 -
Title: "Distributed Sleep Management for Battery Powered Multi-Hop Heterogeneous Wireless Network"
Inventors: Guo, Jianlin; Paraskevas, Evripidis; Orlik, Philip V.
Patent No.: 9,986,502
Issue Date: May 29, 2018 -
Title: "System and Method for Decoding Asynchronously Transmitted Packets"
Inventors: Pajovic, Milutin; Shulkind, Gal; Orlik, Philip V.
Patent No.: 9,948,754
Issue Date: Apr 17, 2018 -
Title: "System and Method for Spatial Beamforming Modulation"
Inventors: Kim, Kyeong-Jin; Ding, Yacong; Koike-Akino, Toshiaki; Pajovic, Milutin; Orlik, Philip V.
Patent No.: 9,948,377
Issue Date: Apr 17, 2018 -
Title: "Resource Aware Routing in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks"
Inventors: Guo, Jianlin; Orlik, Philip V.; Parsons, Kieran
Patent No.: 9,900,824
Issue Date: Feb 20, 2018 -
Title: "Resource Aware Multi-Task Routing in Multi-hop Heterogeneous Wireless Networks"
Inventors: Guo, Jianlin; Orlik, Philip V.
Patent No.: 9,893,981
Issue Date: Feb 13, 2018 -
Title: "Synchronized Multi-Sink Routing for Wireless Networks"
Inventors: Guo, Jianlin; Orlik, Philip V.; Parsons, Kieran
Patent No.: 9,826,493
Issue Date: Nov 21, 2017 -
Title: "Energy Efficient Management of Heterogeneous Multi-Hop Wireless Networks"
Inventors: Guo, Jianlin; Liu, Kaikai; Orlik, Philip V.; Parsons, Kieran
Patent No.: 9,736,771
Issue Date: Aug 15, 2017 -
Title: "System and Method for Wireless Communications over Fading Channels"
Inventors: Koike-Akino, Toshiaki; Orlik, Philip V.; Kim, Kyeong-Jin
Patent No.: 9,716,536
Issue Date: Jul 25, 2017 -
Title: "Assignment of Backhaul Resources in Cooperative Wireless Networks"
Inventors: Orlik, Philip V.; Khan, Talha; Kim, Kyeong-Jin
Patent No.: 9,681,459
Issue Date: Jun 13, 2017 -
Title: "System and Method for Reducing Interference between Multiple Terminals"
Inventors: Kim, Kyeong-Jin; Orlik, Philip V.
Patent No.: 9,661,598
Issue Date: May 23, 2017 -
Title: "System and Method for mmWave Channel Estimation"
Inventors: Pajovic, Milutin; Suryaprakash, Raj Tejas; Orlik, Philip V.; Kim, Kyeong-Jin
Patent No.: 9,641,357
Issue Date: May 2, 2017 -
Title: "System and Method for Decoding Block of Data Received Over Communication Channel"
Inventors: Kim, Kyeong-Jin; Orlik, Philip V.; Koike-Akino, Toshiaki
Patent No.: 9,525,514
Issue Date: Dec 20, 2016 -
Title: "Discovering Stable Routes in Wireless Networks"
Inventors: Guo, Jianlin; Yang, Xin; Orlik, Philip V.; Parsons, Kieran
Patent No.: 9,407,559
Issue Date: Aug 2, 2016 -
Title: "Method and System for Localization of a Device in an Enclosed Environment Based on Received Signal Strength Levels"
Inventors: Pajovic, Milutin; Orlik, Philip V.
Patent No.: 9,282,531
Issue Date: Mar 8, 2016 -
Title: "System and Method for Communicating Data Symbols via Wireless Doubly-Selective Channels"
Inventors: Koike-Akino, Toshiaki; Orlik, Philip V.; Kim, Kyeong-Jin
Patent No.: 9,264,118
Issue Date: Feb 16, 2016 -
Title: "Passive Synchronization in Wireless Networks"
Inventors: Guo, Jianlin; Orlik, Philip V.; Parsons, Kieran
Patent No.: 9,226,253
Issue Date: Dec 29, 2015 -
Title: "Method for Clustering Devices in Machine-to-Machine Networks to Minimize Collisions"
Inventors: Guo, Jianlin; Orlik, Philip V.; Parsons, Kieran
Patent No.: 9,225,606
Issue Date: Dec 29, 2015 -
Title: "Method and System for Communicating Multimedia Using Reconfigurable Rateless Codes and Decoding In-Process Status Feedback"
Inventors: Koike-Akino, Toshiaki; Orlik, Philip V.; Soerensen, Jesper H.
Patent No.: 9,215,457
Issue Date: Dec 15, 2015 -
Title: "Detecting Narrow Band Interference in Wireless Networks using Spectral Analysis"
Inventors: Orlik, Philip V.; Weng, Zhiyuan; Kim, Kyeong-Jin
Patent No.: 9,191,047
Issue Date: Nov 17, 2015 -
Title: "Method for Separating Multi-Component Signals"
Inventors: Sahinoglu, Zafer; Orlik, Philip V.; Parsons, Kieran
Patent No.: 9,190,955
Issue Date: Nov 17, 2015 -
Title: "Method and Apparatus for Detecting Symbols Received Wirelessly using Probabilistic Data Association with Uncertainty"
Inventors: Orlik, Philip V.; Pajovic, Milutin; Kim, Kyeong-Jin; Koike-Akino, Toshiaki
Patent No.: 9,184,876
Issue Date: Nov 10, 2015 -
Title: "Method for Discovering Neighboring Nodes in Wireless Networks"
Inventors: Guo, Jianlin; Orlik, Philip V.; Parsons, Kieran
Patent No.: 9,148,845
Issue Date: Sep 29, 2015 -
Title: "Location Based Data Delivery Schedulers"
Inventors: Orlik, Philip V.; Xu, Ke; Guo, Jianlin
Patent No.: 9,118,600
Issue Date: Aug 25, 2015 -
Title: "Non-Coherent Transmission and Equalization in Doubly-Selective MIMO Channels"
Inventors: Koike-Akino, Toshiaki; Orlik, Philip V.
Patent No.: 9,088,447
Issue Date: Jul 21, 2015 -
Title: "Method and System for Communicating Data Wirelessly Using Probabilistic Data Association"
Inventors: Orlik, Philip V.; Yellepeddi, Atulya; Kim, Kyeong-Jin; Duan, Chunjie
Patent No.: 8,908,806
Issue Date: Dec 9, 2014 -
Title: "Methods for Energy Efficient Reoptimization of Optical Networks"
Inventors: Parsons, Kieran; Orlik, Philip V.
Patent No.: 8,891,967
Issue Date: Nov 18, 2014 -
Title: "Method for Detecting, Classifying, and Reducing Interference in Wireless Networks"
Inventors: Kim, Kyeong-Jin; Orlik, Philip V.; Bhatti, Ghulam M.
Patent No.: 8,891,700
Issue Date: Nov 18, 2014 -
Title: "Method for Reducing Interference in OFDM Wireless Networks"
Inventors: Annavajjala, Ramesh; Orlik, Philip V.; Li, Liangbin
Patent No.: 8,811,545
Issue Date: Aug 19, 2014 -
Title: "Avoiding Broken Links in Smart Meter Networks for Loop-Free Routing of Packets"
Inventors: Guo, Jianlin; Bhatti, Ghulam M.; Orlik, Philip V.; Zhang, Jinyun
Patent No.: 8,750,100
Issue Date: Jun 10, 2014 -
Title: "Method of Selecting Antennas in a Wireless Communicating Network for High Reliability and Low Latency"
Inventors: Yim, Man Hei Raymond; Guo, Jianlin; Orlik, Philip V.; Zhang, Jinyun
Patent No.: 8,737,455
Issue Date: May 27, 2014 -
Title: "Channel Scan for Smart Meter Networks to Determine Operating Channels"
Inventors: Guo, Jianlin; Orlik, Philip V.; Zhang, Jinyun; Bhatti, Ghulam M.
Patent No.: 8,654,711
Issue Date: Feb 18, 2014 -
Title: "Method for Scheduling Data Transmission in Hybrid Communication Networks for Transportation Safety Systems"
Inventors: Guo, Jianlin; Yim, Man Hei Raymond; Zhang, Jinyun; Orlik, Philip V.; Duan, Chunjie; Igo Jr., Frederick J.
Patent No.: 8,565,214
Issue Date: Oct 22, 2013 -
Title: "Non-Coherent Space-Time Trellis-Coded Modulations for Network-Coded Wireless Relay Communications"
Inventors: Koike-Akino, Toshiaki; Orlik, Philip V.
Patent No.: 8,553,792
Issue Date: Oct 8, 2013 -
Title: "STTC Encoder for Single Antenna WAVE Transceivers"
Inventors: Orlik, Philip V.; Yim, Man Hei Raymond; Zhang, Jinyun
Patent No.: 8,520,791
Issue Date: Aug 27, 2013 -
Title: "Method for Discovering and Maintaining Routes in Smart Meter Networks"
Inventors: Guo, Jianlin; Bhatti, Ghulam M.; Orlik, Philip V.; Zhang, Jinyun
Patent No.: 8,509,109
Issue Date: Aug 13, 2013 -
Title: "Iterative Carrier Phase Compensation in Coherent Fiber Optic Receivers"
Inventors: Duan, Chunjie; Parsons, Kieran; Orlik, Philip V.
Patent No.: 8,498,544
Issue Date: Jul 30, 2013 -
Title: "Carrier Allocation and Time Sharing for OFDMA/TDMA Networks"
Inventors: Orlik, Philip V.; Duan, Chunjie; Sahinoglu, Zafer; Zhang, Jinyun; Du, Qing He
Patent No.: 8,472,304
Issue Date: Jun 25, 2013 -
Title: "Method for Generating Coverage Maps for Wireless Networks with Mobile Devices"
Inventors: Orlik, Philip V.; Guo, Jianlin; Nagai, Yukimasa
Patent No.: 8,452,310
Issue Date: May 28, 2013 -
Title: "Cross-Free High-Dimensional Constellations for Dual-Polarized Non-Linear Fiber-Optic Communications"
Inventors: Koike-Akino, Toshiaki; Orlik, Philip V.; Parsons, Kieran
Patent No.: 8,433,205
Issue Date: Apr 30, 2013 -
Title: "Method and System for Decoding OFDM Signals Subject to Narrowband Interference"
Inventors: Yim, Man Hei Raymond; Orlik, Philip V.; Duan, Chunjie; Mukherjee, Amitav; ZHANG, Jin
Patent No.: 8,428,165
Issue Date: Apr 23, 2013 -
Title: "Implicit Channel Sounding for Closed-Loop Transmission in MIMO-OFDM Wireless Networks"
Inventors: Annavajjala, Ramesh; Orlik, Philip V.
Patent No.: 8,428,008
Issue Date: Apr 23, 2013 -
Title: "Wireless Communication Network for Transportation Safety Systems"
Inventors: Yim, Man Hei Raymond; Orlik, Philip V.; Duan, Chunjie; Zhang, Jinyun; Guo, Jianlin; Igo Jr., Frederick J.
Patent No.: 8,418,813
Issue Date: Apr 16, 2013 -
Title: "OFDM Networks with Pseudo-Random Phase Precoding"
Inventors: Annavajjala, Ramesh; Orlik, Philip V.; Zhang, Jinyun
Patent No.: 8,290,074
Issue Date: Oct 16, 2012 -
Title: "Method for Encoding Data Symbols with Implicitly Embedded Pilot Symbols in Resource Blocks for Wireless Networks"
Inventors: Annavajjala, Ramesh; Orlik, Philip V.
Patent No.: 8,284,862
Issue Date: Oct 9, 2012 -
Title: "Analog Beamforming to Reduce Interference in WiMAX Networks"
Inventors: Molisch, Andreas F.; Zhang, Jinyun; Orlik, Philip V.; Kuze, Toshiyuki; Tao, Zhifeng
Patent No.: 8,274,930
Issue Date: Sep 25, 2012 -
Title: "Method for Physically Making Objects Continuous Functions"
Inventors: Yim, Man Hei Raymond; Orlik, Philip V.; Brinkman, Dirk
Patent No.: 8,262,001
Issue Date: Sep 11, 2012 -
Title: "Method for Performing Soft Decision Decoding of Euclidean Space Reed-Muller Codes"
Inventors: Orlik, Philip V.; Yim, Man Hei Raymond; Parsons, Kieran; Tarokh, Vahid; Zhang, Jinyun
Patent No.: 8,245,116
Issue Date: Aug 14, 2012 -
Title: "Feedback for Transmit Precoding in Wireless Networks"
Inventors: Pun, Man On; Zhang, Jinyun; Orlik, Philip V.
Patent No.: 8,243,582
Issue Date: Aug 14, 2012 -
Title: "Parametric Compression of Rank-1 Analog Feedback"
Inventors: Porat, Ron; Orlik, Philip V.; Annavajjala, Ramesh; Pun, Man On
Patent No.: 8,238,277
Issue Date: Aug 7, 2012 -
Title: "Method and Protocol for Congestion Control in a Vehicular Network"
Inventors: Ye, Fei; Yim, Man Hei Raymond; Saito, Masashi; Orlik, Philip V.
Patent No.: 8,233,389
Issue Date: Jul 31, 2012 -
Title: "Method For Optimizing Performance in Multi-Cell OFDMA Networks"
Inventors: Tao, Zhifeng; Orlik, Philip V.; Kuze, Toshiyuki
Patent No.: 8,223,705
Issue Date: Jul 17, 2012 -
Title: "Cooperative Ultra-Reliable Wireless Communications"
Inventors: Tao, Zhifeng; Orlik, Philip V.; Sahinoglu, Zafer; Zhang, Jinyun; Molisch, Andreas F.
Patent No.: 8,218,523
Issue Date: Jul 10, 2012 -
Title: "Coding for Large Antenna Arrays in MIMO Networks"
Inventors: Tao, Zhifeng; Orlik, Philip V.; Molisch, Andreas F.; Matsumoto, Wataru; Zhang, Jinyun
Patent No.: 8,179,990
Issue Date: May 15, 2012 -
Title: "Method for Broadcasting Alert Message in Mobile Multi-Hop Networks Using Inferred Distance Prioritization"
Inventors: Guo, Jianlin; Orlik, Philip V.; Yim, Man Hei Raymond
Patent No.: 8,155,044
Issue Date: Apr 10, 2012 -
Title: "Unified STTC Encoder for WAVE Transcievers"
Inventors: Orlik, Philip V.; Yim, Man Hei Raymond; Zhang, Lu; Zhang, Jinyun
Patent No.: 8,139,668
Issue Date: Mar 20, 2012 -
Title: "Zero Correction Zone Based Preamble for Oversampled OFDM Networks in URWIN"
Inventors: Du, Qing He; Orlik, Philip V.; Duan, Chunjie; Sahinoglu, Zafer
Patent No.: 8,089,856
Issue Date: Jan 3, 2012 -
Title: "Hybrid Automatic Repeat Requests Coding in MIMO Networks"
Inventors: Zhang, Jinyun; Matsumoto, Wataru; Molisch, Andreas F.; Tao, Zhifeng; Orlik, Philip V.
Patent No.: 8,073,071
Issue Date: Dec 6, 2011 -
Title: "Method for Decoding Codewords Transmitted Over Non-Coherent Channels in MIMO–OFDM Networks Using Grassmann Codes and Superblocks"
Inventors: Orlik, Philip V.; Toshiaki, Koike-Akino
Patent No.: 8,059,747
Issue Date: Nov 15, 2011 -
Title: "Beamforming in Wireless Vehicular Networks"
Inventors: Orlik, Philip V.; Yim, Man Hei Raymond; Annavajjala, Ramesh; Zhang, Jinyun
Patent No.: 8,023,915
Issue Date: Sep 20, 2011 -
Title: "Cross-Talk Cancellation in Cooperative Wireless Relay Networks"
Inventors: Tao, Zhifeng; Orlik, Philip V.; Ma, Jun; Li, Geoffrey Ye; Zhang, Jinyun
Patent No.: 8,014,263
Issue Date: Sep 6, 2011 -
Title: "Signaling and Training for Antenna Selection in OFDMA Networks"
Inventors: Orlik, Philip V.; Zhang, Jinyun; Uchida, Shigeru; Molisch, Andreas F.; Sawa, Kentaro; Tao, Zhifeng
Patent No.: 8,009,580
Issue Date: Aug 30, 2011 -
Title: "Device, Method And Protocol For Private UWB Ranging"
Inventors: Sahinoglu, Zafer; Molisch, Andreas F.; Orlik, Philip V.
Patent No.: 7,995,644
Issue Date: Aug 9, 2011 -
Title: "Cooperative Base Stations in Wireless Networks"
Inventors: Orlik, Philip V.; Zhang, Jinyun; Molisch, Andreas F.; Dong, Lun
Patent No.: 7,826,853
Issue Date: Nov 2, 2010 -
Title: "Method for Reducing Inter-Cell Interference in Wireless OFDMA Networks"
Inventors: Orlik, Philip V.; Chen, Ying Da; Zhang, Jinyun; Teo, Koon Hoo
Patent No.: 7,813,739
Issue Date: Oct 12, 2010 -
Title: "Method for Transmitting a Communications Packet in a Wireless Communications Network"
Inventors: Orlik, Philip V.; Molisch, Andreas F.; Sahinoglu, Zafer
Patent No.: 7,801,107
Issue Date: Sep 21, 2010 -
Title: "Method for Estimating Channels in Two-Hop MIMO AF Networks"
Inventors: Orlik, Philip V.; Ma, Jun
Patent No.: 7,796,630
Issue Date: Sep 14, 2010 -
Title: "Adaptive Frame Durations for Time-Hopped Impulse Radio Systems"
Inventors: Orlik, Philip V.; Molisch, Andreas F.
Patent No.: 7,620,369
Issue Date: Nov 17, 2009 -
Title: "Route Selection in Cooperative Relay Networks"
Inventors: Zhang, Jinyun; Molisch, Andreas F.; Mehta, Neelesh B.; Yedidia, Jonathan S.; Orlik, Philip V.; Sahinoglu, Zafer; Tao, Zhifeng
Patent No.: 7,593,342
Issue Date: Sep 22, 2009 -
Title: "Adaptive Delay Adjustment for Transmitted Reference ImpulseRadio Systems"
Inventors: Orlik, Philip V.; Molisch, Andreas F.
Patent No.: 7,573,933
Issue Date: Aug 11, 2009 -
Inventors: Sahinoglu, Zafer; Orlik, Philip V.
Patent No.: 7,564,842
Issue Date: Jul 21, 2009 -
Title: "Coordinating Communications in a Heterogeneous Communications Network Using Different Signal Formats"
Inventors: Molisch, Andreas F.; Orlik, Philip V.
Patent No.: 7,555,004
Issue Date: Jun 30, 2009 -
Title: "Modulating Signals for Coherent and Differentially Coherent Receivers"
Inventors: Aedudodla, Sandeep R.; Orlik, Philip V.; Molisch, Andreas F.
Patent No.: 7,496,153
Issue Date: Feb 24, 2009 -
Title: "Power and Delay Sensitive Ad-Hoc Communication Networks"
Inventors: Orlik, Philip V.; Sahinoglu, Zafer; Zhang, Jinyun
Patent No.: 7,414,977
Issue Date: Aug 19, 2008 -
Title: "Modulating Signals for Coherent and Differentially Coherent Receivers"
Inventors: Molisch, Andreas F.; Zhao, Shiwei; Orlik, Philip V.
Patent No.: 7,391,802
Issue Date: Jun 24, 2008 -
Title: "Mary Modulation of Signals for Coherent and Differentially Coherent Receivers"
Inventors: Orlik, Philip V.; Molisch, Andreas F.
Patent No.: 7,388,927
Issue Date: Jun 17, 2008 -
Title: "Dynamic Resource Control for High-Speed Downlink Packet Access Wireless Channels"
Inventors: Shao, Huai-Rong; Zhang, Jinyun; Orlik, Philip V.; Shen, Chia; Gu, Daqing
Patent No.: 7,330,433
Issue Date: Feb 12, 2008 -
Title: "System and Method for Reducing Power Consumption in a Wireless Communications Network"
Inventors: Sahinoglu, Zafer; Zhang, Jinyun; Orlik, Philip V.
Patent No.: 7,035,677
Issue Date: Apr 25, 2006 -
Title: "Trellis Based Maximum Likelihood Sequence Estimation Methodfor Blind Channel Estimation and Signal Detection"
Inventors: Gu, Daqing; Zhang, Jinyun; Cao, Lei; Orlik, Philip V.
Patent No.: 7,023,935
Issue Date: Apr 4, 2006 -
Title: "Hybrid Adaptive Equalizer for Optical Communications Systems"
Inventors: Zhang, Jinyun; Orlik, Philip V.
Patent No.: 7,023,912
Issue Date: Apr 4, 2006 -
Title: "Signal Circulation for Adaptive Signal Equalization in Digital Communication Systems"
Inventors: Orlik, Philip V.; Zhang, Jinyun; Horng, Jyh Chau
Patent No.: 7,016,405
Issue Date: Mar 21, 2006 -
Title: "Wireless Mobile Network with an Adpative Locally Linked Mobile Network for Locally Routing MultimediaContent"
Inventors: Bao, Jay; Poon, Tommy C.; Orlik, Philip V.
Patent No.: 7,002,933
Issue Date: Feb 21, 2006 -
Title: "System and Method for Reducing Power Consumption in a Wireless Communications Network"
Inventors: Orlik, Philip V.; Sahinoglu, Zafer; Zhang, Jinyun
Patent No.: 6,996,368
Issue Date: Feb 7, 2006 -
Title: "Turbo Code Receiver for Non-frequency Selective Fast FadingChannels"
Inventors: Zhang, Jinyun; Orlik, Philip V.; Horng, Jyh Chau
Patent No.: 6,944,233
Issue Date: Sep 13, 2005
Title: "System and Method for Detecting an Object in a Scene"